Sunday, April 21, 2013

Confessions of a female otaku... April 2013

Yes, yes, yes, I confess... I'm a nut. I think I've already confessed to that. I'm a project nut. I have like a million projects going on. I'm re-tagging my music library, I'm doing my 15 minute sessions, my 4 hour sessions, my "movies i should have seen that I didn't", my trophy hunting, my trope hunting, my yaoi cook book, my writing, reading, gaming, Disney comparisons... Projects that never seem to get off the ground, and if they do they get just a few inches over the ground and then just hovers there, quite uselessly. But I WILL get cracking, I promise.

Once upon a long, long time ago, in August 2012, I believe, just after starting this blog, I thought I had this pinned. I made a plan. Didn't stick to it. I suppose I don't have the discipline. I don't even blog every day. But then again, discipline. That I lack.

I have another confession to make: I'm impressionable. If I read something I tend to take on the same tone in my writing. Or if I watch certain videos, especially on a certain webpage with a number of movie critics that I really like. If I ever come into a larger sum of money, I'm pouring part of over you, guys, just so you know.

So, status update om my projects:
I HATE you, Buck-Tick! To many singles, and my music tag program doesn't recognize them, so its slow as hell. I BLAME YOU!

My 15-minute sessions are.... going.... slow, but then it's mostly just that everyday stuff, cleaning, exercising, planning of the meals and money and stuff. I get distracted, mostly bu this hellish thing called computer.

My 4-hour sessions, which is me playing video games and watching movies and TV-series, is going slow, too. I'm supposed to be playing a game, buuut, I get distracted. By OTHER GAMES! I was playing Ni no Kuni, but then ME Citadel landed, and I got distracted.

My "movies I should have seen" is a little better off, as I started, well, I did start on new years, but then I just did one for 2012. My new project is to check up all the movies that came out on a particular month. Space it out a bit. I'm working on January 1985-2009. Gotta try to catch up to April. I'm getting on that after I finished here.

Trophy hunting, didn't even start, but I will.

Trope hunting... well, I'm doing trope hunting on the Final Fantasy characters, backwards, I'll have to tell. Guess how far I got. Final Fantasy XIII. Not finished. I have Hope and Fang left. So, yeah, slow.

Yaoi cook book, I have one recipe done, I'll post it next week.

Writing.... *stares at pile of notebooks*......

Reading, I have done a lot, finished the Nightrunner series yesterday, re-read Passion, going to check my update status on Goodreads. I haven't updated that for a while.

Gaming, well, that goes hand in hand with trophy hunting, I guess.

Disney comparison project... I like this project, even f it's slow going. It's coming up here one day, I just have to finish editing and stuff. Hopefully I get to post the videos, if not... we'll see.

All in all. I'm slow. Some would argue that I spread myself to thin, but if I didn't, I would get bored. Some might argue that I got ADD, but I don't. I've checked.

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