Thursday, July 26, 2012

What am I doing.....?

Blog, blog, blog.... everybody blogs nowadays. In fact, it seems to me everybody blogs, and everyone who doesn't doesn't really exist at all, they are all just some kind of periferal entities with lives of their own.... Everyone know that people who reads and writes blogs have no life, if hey did, they would be out living it, not write blogs all the time. So, yeah, I'm a nerd without a life. I know.

I was cleaning in my bedroom the other day, and when I did I realized I have a LOT of notebooks and stuff... i think i counted 35 of them just lying around on various surfaces, including the floor. With an avarege of 3 stories in each notebook that right there are 105 yaoi stories. And that's not counting the four nothebooks by my bed, one of them with scraps of 22 different stories, or the computer, with an additional 20 stories. Plus a couple that are way to X-rated to put on paper, that are, at least for now, only for my own enjoyment in my own head.

Being fair and all, most of them are fan-fiction. I'm a huge gaming nerd, I admitt. So a lot of my own written yaoi is often based on games I love. A few are on other books, yaoi or otherwise, and maybe a handful is based on movies. The number of characters and stories I've written entierly by myself could probably be counted of one hand.

Ok, ok, so what is yaoi? That's the question I always get when ranting on my favourite topic. Well, the answer to that is as simple as it is complex. The americanized way to say it is BL, or Boy's Love. To me that sounds kinda cheesy, so I prefer yaoi. It is stories where men are in love, and generaly, for meeting the "yaoi criteria", have sex. So, gay stories. The female equivalent is yuri. I don't really know if yuri is acctually calles "girls love", but then, I don't really care. Simple, right? But wait, I said it was complex, didn't I? Yeah, well, the hard part, really, is where to draw the line between Yaoi and Shounen-ai. Shounen-ai, I would say, is more innocent teenage boy's falling in love for the first time, or so. Shounen-ai generally have no sex in it, and my own personal shounen-ai/yaoi line is when they start doing more than holding hands. Some would say kissing is the golden line, some would say full-blown sex. I'm a bit ambivalent, is kissing sex? Or a hand-job, or blow-job? To each his own.

Funny thing, Onee-chan often calls manga and anime yaoi and live action movies BL. I don't know if she is aware of that, but it's something I've observed about her.

So, this blog is not JUST about yaoi. But mostly. There will probably be some rants about animé or movies or books or Swedish society, or games, or,... well everything that goes on in a person's life, i guess. Like next week i will probably be ranting about my ototo and how ungrateful he is on his birthday, and the week after that, maybe  a little about okaa-san, and how I miss her, being dead and all.... But, mostly yaoi....

And no.... Loveless is NOT SHOTA!

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